5 tips for choosing a good sign font

September 15, 2015

Picking a good sign font is a super important part of your sign design process. The wrong font can make your signs look unprofessional, and the right sign font can make it stand out amazingly! Here are a few tips and places when picking a font for your sign, and a few good links to getting them for free!

  1. Don’t use comic sans, impact or papyrus – these fonts are in everyone’s MS word program, and hurt peoples eyes. Well not really, but they are terrible and should be avoided like the plague.
  2. Don’t use overly graphic fonts when you need a simple font – ie don’t use old english or a very cursive font if you want people to read a word easily.
  3. Do spend 5 minutes searching font websites such as www.dafont.com or www.fontsquirrel.com and have a look – all of fontsquirrels fonts are FREE for commercial use 👌
  4. When supplying your files for printing signs, make sure that you either supply the font file itself, a link to download it from OR ideally have the font converted to outlines in whatever editing programs you are using.
  5. For signs where the artwork will be applied using vinyl die cut stickers, make sure that you have the font larger than 10mm, and don’t make it too complex!

Remember, a font is there to help you send a message on your sign, convey information or to make your sign recognisable – if it is hard to read, or if it is rubbish, people will know – and your signs won’t work as well as they could!

PS – comic sans is so bad, there is even a page helping you not be a comic sans criminal – check it here..!