Sustainable work practices

July 26, 2021

We care about our planet.

Sustainability and environmentally-friendly work practices are now becoming a common topic of conversation within all businesses, large and small.  We are no exception, and these topics have been on our agenda for some time now.  Single use plastics are absolutely awful and being a family that enjoys the outdoors and ocean-based activities, beach time, surfing, snowboarding, camping, hiking etc, we are 100% behind doing everything we can to eliminate single use plastics from our planet!

We’re mindful of our environmental impact in every aspect of our lives – as a business, a family and as individuals – and we are trying to improve our environmental sustainability every day.

What are we doing to help our planet?

Some of the things we’re doing to help our planet include:

  • Using local suppliers
  • Reusing packaging materials (bubble wrap, cardboard, paper etc)
  • Using paper and cardboard packaging as much as possible
  • Using compostable courier bags
  • Minimising waste in production – encouraging customers to choose sizes and shapes that provide the most efficient use of the raw materials
  • Repurposing off cuts of corflute and sign board for other things
  • Donating cardboard tubes to childcare centres and schools for art projects
  • Having a worm farm for office food waste and coffee grounds
  • Taking reusable coffee cups whenever we go out
  • Recycling soft plastics as well as general recycling
  • Buying items in bulk and using refillable BYO containers for cleaning supplies etc

Sustainable sticker alternatives

So while we are trying to do the best we can to improve our environmental sustainability, the problem we face as a business is that some of our products, like high quality vinyl stickers or corflute signs for instance, simply do not have a comparable non-plastic alternative at this stage.  It’s hard to find a waterproof plastic alternative when we need these things to last a long time outdoors, exposed to all weather conditions.  We’re working on it though, and as soon as we find more sustainable products that can be used as suitable vinyl or corflute alternatives we will be adding these into our range.

For now, our saving grace is the fact that our products are high quality and last a long time, which is a massive step up from single use plastics or poor quality products that quickly turn into waste and need to be replaced prematurely.

With constant research and development happening in this space, it’s only a matter of time before more sustainable options will become available to us.  As such, we look forward to offering more environmentally-friendly stickers and sign options soon.

In the meantime, why not join us in doing our bit on an individual basis to improve the sustainability of life on our beautiful planet?

If you have any questions regarding our products or services or would like a quote please feel free to get in touch!